Friday, July 18, 2008

Swiss Roll

I had a serious craving for swiss roll last night. It was on my mind before I slept and I started to think about it again when I just opened my eyes in the morning!  Fortunately, swiss roll is very quick and easy to make. Before noon, I am busy indulging myself with the lovely and sweet swiss roll :D

Swiss Roll

7 egg yolks
4 egg whites
80 gr sugar
50 gr flour
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp vanilla crystal
1 tbsp milk powder
1 tbsp water
1 tsp emulsifier, omitted

65 gr butter, melted
strawberry jam

1) Beat all ingredients, except butter, until thick and fluffy.
2) Add butter, mix until well combined.
3) Bake at 170 deg C for 20 minutes.
4) After cooled, spread strawberry jam over cake.
5) Roll cake, trim edges and cut into slices to serve.

one 24 x 24 x 4 cm baking pan


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